WICE's Creative Writing Program offers a selection of courses to awaken the budding author in you . . . or to provide a whetstone for more experienced writers to use to hone their skills.

Have you always dreamt of penning a novel? Our six-month course, "Write Your Book!: Six Months of Craft, Commitment, and Community," provides the mentorship and community to awaken your inner Ernest Hemingway and transform that dream into reality.

Maybe you want to work on your craft. We are offering three different craft classes by three different teachers, exploring setting, editing and structure.

There is also a single workshop on memoir writing, plus a four-week nonfiction class on writing publishable reviews, profiles, and personal essays.

For the poet in you, try our four-session in haiku.

And don't forget our Paris Writers Workshop coming in early June. More details soon!

Emphasizing both craft and creativity, our program is more than a series of classes; it's a community, a place where writers at all stages can come together, learn, share, and grow. Whether you're taking your first literary steps or looking to elevate your established writing practice, WICE's Creative Writing Program offers an inclusive and inspiring environment.

You can stay abreast of our creative writing program by subscribing to our newsletter, WICE Direct, following us on FaceBook, or by simply keeping an eye on this page.

If you have any questions, please send them to creativewriting@wice-paris.org.


    • 15 Oct 2024
    • 10 Dec 2024
    • 8 sessions
    • 8

    Course Description:

    This course focuses on memoir (long-form,) and essay (short form.) The essence of both is to distill personal experience into wisdom that applies to the greater human story while writing in a way that fully engages, even moves, the reader. 

    Using a series of prompts, we will help you deepen your material through unearthing early impressions and sensual memory.  We will nudge you to create scenes (or moments in time), and then provide suggestions on how to organize your projects in unique and exciting ways.

    The workshop will include instruction, group interaction, and in-class exercises. You will leave with a stronger focus on your own creative non-fiction path. 

    Administrative Notes:

    This course is open to nonmember participants at a slightly higher cost, but a 3-month WICE membership is included.

    Registration will open on 16 September 2024.

    About the Instructor: 

    With degrees in journalism and creative writing, Jennifer Lauck is the New York Times and London Times bestselling writer of the memoirs Blackbird, Still Waters, Found and The Summer of ’72.

    She has also published a series of interlocking essays in the collection titled Show Me the Way and has had essays published in several anthology collections, including Knitting Yarns. She teaches creative writing in the US and abroad.

    • 16 Oct 2024
    • 11 Dec 2024
    • 8 sessions
    • To be determined
    • 8

    Course Description:

    This weekly fiction workshop (short or long fiction) includes craft conversation on topics such as dialogue, story structure, character development, pacing and plot based on current best practices in creative writing pedagogy. Over the course of eight sessions, you will workshop two of your own pieces (either novel chapters or short stories) for supportive and rigorous group feedback. 

    Administrative Notes:

    Admission by application: Send five double-spaced pages of your best prose to: creativewriting@wice-paris.org

    This course is open to nonmember participants at a slightly higher cost, but a 3-month WICE membership is included.

    Registration will open on 16 September 2024.

    About the Instructor: 

    Shannon Cain is the author of The Necessity of Certain Behaviors, winner of the 2001 Drue Heinz Literature Prize. Her stories have been recognized by the U.S. National Endowment for the Arts, the O. Henry Prize, and the Pushcart Prize. Founder of La Maison Baldwin, a residency program for Black writers, she has taught creative writing at the University of Arizona, Arizona State University, and in the MFA program at Bennington College.

Past events

30 Apr 2024 WA301 Writing the Short Story
16 Mar 2024 WM1601 Embodied Writing
27 Feb 2024 WF271 Writing Screenplays: From Hollywood to France
10 Feb 2024 WF1001 Poetry!
20 Jan 2024 WJ201 First Page Fresh Start
21 Nov 2023 WN071: Creative Non-Fiction – Writing the ‘Real’
28 Oct 2023 WO281 Writing our Roots
29 Apr 2023 WA2201 The Craft of Writing - Spring Edition
01 Mar 2023 WM011 Haiku: How to Enjoy, Write, and Publish Them
14 Feb 2023 WF141 Writing the Short Story
22 Oct 2022 WO221 How to Build a Story (Let Your Madman Out!)
18 Oct 2022 WO111 Flash Fiction
01 Jul 2022 WU277 PWW Panel Discussion: Writing in Paris: Migration and the Arts
30 Jun 2022 WU276 PWW Agent Consultation - Gregory Messina
30 Jun 2022 WU275 PWW Agent Consultation - Mark Kessler
27 Jun 2022 WU274 PWW Creative Nonfiction Master Class: Creative Nonfiction Projects with Jeffrey Greene
27 Jun 2022 WU272 PWW Short Story Master Class: Writing and Publishing the Short Story
27 Jun 2022 WU273 PWW Poetry Master Class: Poetry: What Can Language Do?
02 Feb 2022 WJ051: Tension in Fiction
26 Oct 2021 WO261 Writing the Real: Creative Nonfiction
11 Sep 2021 Forum des Associations de Paris 15e
30 Jun 2021 Upstairs at Duroc - Issue 17
28 Jun 2021 WU281 PWW Panel: Navigating the Small Presses
27 Jun 2021 WU273 PWW FICTION TECHNIQUES in Creative Nonfiction
26 Jun 2021 WU262 PWW Master Class: Beginning Your Novel
26 Jun 2021 WU261 PWW Master Class: Turbocharge Your Creativity
25 Jun 2021 WU252 PWW Collage Technique in Poetry: Bridging Languages and Cultures
25 Jun 2021 WU251 PWW: Settings Across Cultures
25 Jun 2021 PWWJ26 Morning Master Class + Writing craft talks + Panel
11 Jun 2021 WU111: Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell
04 Jun 2021 WU041: Bilingual Book Group Special Event / Rencontre Litteraire Bilingue de WICE
07 May 2021 WY141 Appointment in Samarra (Rendez-vous à Samarra) by John O’Hara
04 May 2021 WY041:Writing Poetry - Craft and Inspiration
09 Apr 2021 WA091 Bilingual Books: Lolita (Penguin classic) by Vladimir Nabokov
26 Mar 2021 WM261:The General of the Dead Army (Le Général de l'armée morte) Ismail Kadaré
23 Mar 2021 WM231: Using Your Senses to Write Fiction
12 Mar 2021 WM121 Bilingual Books: Boquitas Pintadas (Heartbreak Tango / Le Plus Beau Tango Du Monde) by Manuel PUIG
26 Feb 2021 WF261 - Bilingual Books: Convenience Store Woman (La fille de la supérette) by Sayaka Murata
12 Feb 2021 WF121 Bilingual Books: You Will Be Safe Here (Tout Ira Bien) by Damian Barr
22 Jan 2021 WJ221 Bilingual Books: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (La Taupe)
20 Jan 2021 WICE Talks: Pancakes in the City of Light with Author Craig Carlson
15 Jan 2021 WJ151 Novels in Progress: An Advanced Workshop (Cancelled)
08 Jan 2021 WJ081 Bilingual Books: Middle England (Le Cœur de l'Angleterre) by Jonathan Coe (Remote)
12 Dec 2020 WD121 PitchCraft: Getting Published (Remote Online)
27 Nov 2020 WN271 Bilingual Books: A Gentleman in Moscow (Un gentleman à Moscou) by Amor Towles.
13 Nov 2020 WN201 Bilingual Books: Homegoing (No Home) by Yaa Gyasi (New Date)
05 Nov 2020 WN051 Fiction Writing: Openings and Next Steps (Remote)
09 Oct 2020 WO091 Bilingual Books: La porte des enfers (Hell’s Gate) by Laurent Gaudé
30 Sep 2020 WS301 Writing Poetry: Craft and Inspiration (Remote)
26 Sep 2020 WS261 Feature Writing Part II: At the keyboard and in the field (6 sessions)
11 Sep 2020 WS111 Bilingual Books: All We Shall Know (Tout ce que nous allons savoir) by Donal Ryan (Remote Online)
12 Jul 2020 PWL121 Paris Writers Workshop Panel Discussion 3: Writing in the Time of Corona
11 Jul 2020 PWL056 Paris Writers Workshop Panel Discussion 1: Women Write/Women’s Rights
11 Jul 2020 PWL057 Paris Writers Workshop Panel Discussion 2: Cross-Culture or Cultural Appropriation
09 Jul 2020 PWL059 Agent Consultation
05 Jul 2020 PWL058 Writing Craft Talk: Writing the Child by Lauren Grodstein
05 Jul 2020 PWL051 Novel Writing Masterclass
05 Jul 2020 PWL053 Poetry Masterclass
05 Jul 2020 PWL055 Creative Non Fiction Masterclass
29 Jun 2020 WU291 Structuring the Novel
16 Jun 2020 WA141 Bilingual Books: The Châtelet Apprentice: The First Nicolas Le Floch Investigation (L'enigme des Blancs-Manteaux : Les enquêtes de Nicolas le Floch, n°1) - REMOTE
12 Jun 2020 WU171 Bilingual Books: David Young, Stasi Child (Thriller Genre Talk)
02 Jun 2020 WY121 Bilingual Books (Historical Book Series): Kamel Daoud, The Meursault Investigation - REMOTE
08 May 2020 WA171 Bilingual Books: Sándor Márai, Embers [Les Braises] - REMOTE
24 Apr 2020 WM131 Bilingual Books: Madeline Miller, Circe - REMOTE
26 Mar 2020 WO151 Bilingual Books: Alias Grace - REMOTE
07 Mar 2020 WM071 Feature Writing: At the Keyboard and In the Field (6 sessions - postponed)
14 Feb 2020 WF141 Bilingual Books: Tender is the Night (Tendre est la nuit)
11 Feb 2020 WN191 Bilingual Books: Suite Francaise (New date)
04 Feb 2020 WF041 The Tools of the Trade: Techniques in Novel Writing (6 sessions)
29 Jan 2020 AJ291 Career Boost: How to Get a Job in France
14 Jan 2020 WD171 Bilingual Books: The Châtelet Apprentice: The First Nicolas Le Floch Investigation (L'enigme des Blancs-Manteaux : Les enquêtes de Nicolas le Floch, n°1) (New Date)
10 Jan 2020 WJ101 Bilingual Books: Fernando Aramburu, Patria (Homeland)
13 Dec 2019 WD131 Bilingual Books: Les Liaisons dangereuses (Dangerous Liaisons) (New Date pending in June 2020)
15 Nov 2019 WN151 Bilingual Books: Notre-Dame du Nil (Our Lady of the Nile: A Novel)
07 Nov 2019 WN071 Writing Poetry: Craft and Inspiration (6 sessions)
23 Oct 2019 WO231 Novel Writing: Back to the Basics (4 sessions)
19 Oct 2019 WO191 Travel Journalism for Beginners (2 sessions)
11 Oct 2019 WO111 Bilingual Books: The Road Home (La route du retour)
28 Sep 2019 WS281 Writing Features for Fun and Profit (4 sessions)
13 Sep 2019 WS131 Bilingual Books: The Arab of the Future: A Childhood in the Middle East, (L'Arabe du futur) 1978-1984: A Graphic Memoir
30 Jun 2019 WU301 Literary Brunch
29 Jun 2019 WU291 PWW Panel Discussion: Navigating Today's Publishing World
28 Jun 2019 WU283 Writing Craft Talk: Settings Make Your Story
28 Jun 2019 WU282 Writing Craft Talks: The Alchemy of Writing, From Darkness to Light
28 Jun 2019 WU281 PWW Writing Weekend
14 Jun 2019 WU141 Bilingual Books: The Yacoubian Building (L'Immeuble Yacoubian) by Alaa Al Aswany
25 May 2019 WA131 Jamika Ajalon Presents: Take Back the Narrative (new date)
17 May 2019 WY171 Bilingual Books: Cutting for Stone (La porte des larmes) by Abraham Verghese
11 May 2019 WY111 Writing Features Part 2: At the Computer and In the Field (4 sessions)
07 May 2019 WY071 Writing Your First Novel: Autofiction (Fictional Autobiography) (6 sessions)
12 Apr 2019 WA121 Bilingual Books: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Qui a peur de Virginia Woolf) by Edward Albee
04 Apr 2019 WA041 Writing Poetry: Craft and Inspiration (6 sessions)
31 Mar 2019 WM311 Writing Their Hearts Out: Women Writers on Love, Loss and Recovery
15 Mar 2019 WM081 Bilingual books: Nutshell (Dans une coque de noix) by Ian McEwan
08 Feb 2019 WF081 Bilingual books: Eva Dorme (Eva Sleeps) by Francesca Melandri
05 Feb 2019 WF051 Writing Your First Novel
21 Jan 2019 WJ211 Writing Features for Publication
11 Jan 2019 WJ111 Bilingual books: D'après une histoire vraie (Based on a True Story) by Delphine de Vigan
10 Jan 2019 WJ101 Writing Poetry: Craft and Inspiration
14 Dec 2018 WD141 Bilingual books: Days Without End (Des jours sans fin) by Sebastian Barry
08 Dec 2018 WD081 Writing Features for Fun and Profit: A 2-Day Workshop
16 Nov 2018 WN161 Bilingual books: White Tears (Larmes blanches) by Hari Kunzru
06 Nov 2018 WN061 Your First Novel: Tools of the Trade
12 Oct 2018 WO121 Bilingual books: Never Let Me Go (Auprès de moi toujours) by Kazuo Ishiguro
04 Oct 2018 WO041 Writing Poetry - Craft and Inspiration
14 Sep 2018 WS141 Bilingual books: Indiana by George Sand
08 Jun 2018 WU081 Bilingual books: Édouard Louis, En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule (The End of Eddy)
18 May 2018 WY181 Bilingual books: Philip Roth, American Pastoral (Pastorale américaine)
13 Apr 2018 WA131 Bilingual books: Nancy Huston, Fault Lines (Lignes de faille)
05 Apr 2018 WA051 Writing Poetry - Craft and Inspiration
09 Mar 2018 WM091 Bilingual books: Jose Saramago, Blindness (L'aveuglement)
09 Feb 2018 WF091 Bilingual books: Richard Flanagan, The Narrow Road to the Deep North (La route étroite vers le nord lointain)
06 Feb 2018 WF061 Writing Your First Novel
22 Jan 2018 WJ221 Crafting the Short Story
12 Jan 2018 WJ121 Bilingual books: Stendhal, The Charterhouse of Parma (La Chartreuse de Parme)
08 Dec 2017 WD081 Bilingual books: Alecia McKenzie, Sweetheart (Trésor)
14 Nov 2017 WN141 Writing Your First Novel
10 Nov 2017 WN101 Bilingual books: Elena Ferrante, My Brilliant Friend (L'amie prodigieuse)
13 Oct 2017 WO131 Bilingual books: Joseph Boyden, Through Black Spruce (Les Saisons de la solitude)
11 Oct 2017 WO111 Personal Essay/Memoir Workshop
02 Oct 2017 WO021 Crafting the Short Story
26 Sep 2017 WS261 Writing Poetry: Craft and Inspiration
15 Sep 2017 WS091 Bilingual books: Anne Enright, The Gathering (Retrouvailles)
02 Jul 2017 AL021 Paris Screenwriting Workshop (CANCELLED)
09 Jun 2017 EU091 Bilingual Books: L'Étranger by Albert Camus & Meursault, Contre Enquête (The Meursault Investigation) by Kamel Daoud
12 May 2017 EY121 Bilingual Book Group: "The Harder They Come" by T.C. Boyle
21 Apr 2017 EA211 Bilingual Book Group: "The Secret Ministry of Ag. & Fish: My Life in Churchill's School for Spies" by Noreen Riols
10 Mar 2017 EM101 Bilingual Book group "The Vegetarian" by Han Kang
10 Feb 2017 EF101 Bilingual Book Group: "The Wound" ("Des Hommes") by Laurent Mauvignier
13 Jan 2017 EJ131 Bilingual Book Group - "Bel Ami" by Guy de Maupassant
09 Jan 2017 WJ091 Crafting the Short Story
02 Dec 2016 ED021 Bilingual Books: The Festival of Insignificance by Milan Kundera
04 Nov 2016 EN041 Bilingual Book Group: "The Universe of Stone" by Philip Ball
07 Oct 2016 EO071 Bilingual Book Group: "Us" by David Nicholls
05 Oct 2016 WO051 The First Seven Pages
03 Oct 2016 WS261 Paris Vignettes II
19 Sep 2016 WS191 Paris Vignettes
05 Sep 2016 WS051 Crafting the Short Story
27 Jun 2016 PWU271 The Art of Writing the Novella and the Short Story
27 Jun 2016 PWU272 Writing Creative Non-fiction
27 Jun 2016 PWU273 Writing Novels
27 Jun 2016 PWU274 Writing Poetry
05 Apr 2016 WA051 Writing Your First Novel
09 Mar 2016 WM091 The Craft of Memoir Writing
07 Mar 2016 WM073 Travel Blogging in Paris
07 Mar 2016 WM072 Paris Vignettes
07 Mar 2016 WM071 Shaping the Short Story
15 Oct 2015 WO151 The Migrant Soul
13 Oct 2015 WO131 The Language of Fiction
21 Sep 2015 WS211 Travel Blogging in Paris
21 Sep 2015 WS212 Paris Vignettes II
30 May 2015 WY301 Weekend Fiction Workshop
31 Mar 2015 WM311 How to Write a Novel Part II
09 Mar 2015 WM091 Paris Vignettes Part II: How to Capture Revealing Moments, Encounters and Events
10 Nov 2014 WN102 Paris Vignettes: How to Capture Revealing Moments, Encounters and Events
10 Nov 2014 WN101 Flash Fiction
02 Oct 2014 WO021 How to Write a Novel
27 Sep 2014 ES271 Open House 2014
28 Jun 2014 PWU281 Literary Dinner
27 Jun 2014 PWU271 Literary Agent Consultation
25 Jun 2014 PWU251 "Getting Published: A Writer's Options" Experts' Panel
24 Jun 2014 PWU241 The Art of Novel Writing
24 Jun 2014 PWU242 The Art of Non-Fiction Writing
24 Jun 2014 PWU243 The Essentials of Screenplay Writing
24 Jun 2014 PWU244 The Art of Writing Novella and Short Story
28 Apr 2014 WA281 Paris Vignettes Part II: How to Capture Revealing Moments, Encounters and Events
02 Apr 2014 WA021 The Art of Fiction Part III: Tools and Techniques Behind Good Writing
03 Mar 2014 WM031 Paris Vignettes: How to Capture Revealing Moments, Encounters and Events
08 Jan 2014 WJ081 The Art of Fiction Part II: Tools and Techniques Behind Good Writing
06 Jan 2014 WJ061 Flash Non-Fiction: Narrative, Voice & Imagery under 1,000 Words
25 Nov 2013 WN251 Creative Thinking to Write Outside the Lines
02 Oct 2013 WO021 The Art of Fiction Part I: Tools and Techniques Behind Good Writing
30 Sep 2013 WS302 Paris Vignettes: How to Capture Revealing Moments, Encounters and Events
30 Sep 2013 WS301 Write-In
28 Jun 2013 PWU282 Literary Parisian Gourmet Dinner - Summer Writing Course
26 Jun 2013 PWU261 Literary Walk
25 Jun 2013 PWU251 Individual Literary Agent Consultation
24 Jun 2013 PWU241 The Art of Novel Writing - FULL
24 Jun 2013 PWU242 The Art of Non-Fiction Writing
18 Apr 2013 WA181 Tips and Strategies for Effective Fiction Writing
18 Mar 2013 WM181 Paris Vignettes: How to Capture Revealing Moments, Encounters and Events
21 Jan 2013 WJ211 Getting Unstuck: Conquering Fear of the Blank Page
07 Jan 2013 WJ071 Write-In
13 Nov 2012 WN131 Flash Non-fiction: Narrative, Voice & Imagery under 1,000 Words
04 Oct 2012 WO041 Parisian Lives
01 Oct 2012 WO011 Write-In
11 Sep 2012 WS111 Writing : Give the Reader What He/She Wants (PART I)
29 Jun 2012 PWU291 Individual Literary Agent Consultation
28 Jun 2012 PWU282 PWW Afternoon Session—The Role of the Agent
28 Jun 2012 PWU281 PWW Afternoon Session—Welcome to the 21st Century: How to Use Blogs and Social Media
27 Jun 2012 PWU272 PWW Afternoon Session—The Wide World of Nonfiction: From Memoir to Food to Travel
27 Jun 2012 PWU271 PWW Afternoon Session—Literary Trends: Self-Publishing and E-Books
26 Jun 2012 PWU261 PWW Afternoon Session—Secrets of Getting Published
25 Jun 2012 PWU257 PWW Afternoon Session—How To Structure A Good Story: Beginnings, Middles, and Endings
25 Jun 2012 PWU256 PWW Afternoon Session—Tools of the Trade
25 Jun 2012 PWU251 Paris Writers' Workshop: Writing True—The Art and Craft of Creative Nonfiction (FULL)
25 Jun 2012 PWU252 Paris Writers' Workshop: Novel (FULL)
25 Jun 2012 PWU253 Paris Writers' Workshop: Shaping the Poem—A Poetry Workshop
25 Jun 2012 PWU254 Paris Writers' Workshop: The Craft of Fiction (FULL)
25 Jun 2012 PWU255 Paris Writers' Workshop: Writing for Children and Young Adults
24 May 2012 WY241 Creativity: How to Spark It and Put It Into Words
15 Feb 2012 WF151 Writing With The Gods
14 Feb 2012 WF142 Raising The Stakes - An Advanced Prose Workshop
19 Jan 2012 WJ192 Seeing Paris Through Literature Part II
19 Jan 2012 WJ191 Tricks of the Trade
11 Jan 2012 WJ111 Writing with the Goddesses
15 Nov 2011 WN151 Writing the Migrant Soul
27 Sep 2011 WS271 Seeing Paris through Literature
02 May 2011 WY022 Journals and Letters
05 Apr 2011 WA051 Raising the Stakes in Your Stories